Python News Roundup: August 2024

Python News Roundup: August 2024
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In July, there was some exciting news for the Python community as the Python core development team released versions 3.13.0b4 and 3.13.0rc1 of the language. The 3.13.0b4 release marked the end of the beta phase and paved the way for the release candidate phase.

Note that 3.13.0rc1 is a pre-release, so you shouldn’t use it for production environments. However, it provides a great way to try some new and exciting language features.

There’s also great some news from the Python Software Foundation, PyOhio 2024, and the Python ecosystem.

Let’s dive into the most exciting Python news from last month!

Python 3.13.0b4 and 3.13.0rc1

Python 3.13 has reached its fourth beta release, marking the end of the beta phase. Beta releases serve to test new features and bug fixes. However, it’s important to note that this is a preview release and it isn’t recommended for use in production environments.

If you’re a library maintainer, you’re encouraged to test your code with this new version so you can prepare it to support the latest features of the language.

One of the most significant new features of Python 3.13 is the improved interactive interpreter or REPL, which now provides several cool features, including:

  • Colorized prompts
  • Multiline editing with history preservation
  • Interactive help browsing with F1 and a separate command history
  • History browsing with F2
  • Paste mode for larger blocks of code with F3
  • REPL-specific commands like help, exit, and quit without the call parentheses

This is exciting news! The standard REPL up until Python 3.13 was lacking, and sometimes it was necessary to install a third-party tool like bpython or IPython to compensate.

Again, with this release, the beta phase has officially ended, and the first release candidate—3.13.0rc1—is considered the penultimate release preview. In this release candidate phase, only bug fixes are allowed.

The second candidate, which is the last planned release preview, should be out on September 3, 2024, and the official release of 3.13 should be ready on October 1, 2024. Only more excitement lies ahead!

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) Shares Great News

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August 12, 2024 at 07:30PM
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