Python News Roundup: February 2025

Python News Roundup: February 2025
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The new year has brought a flurry of activity to the Python community. New bugfix releases of Python 3.12 and 3.13 show that the developers seemingly never sleep. A new type of interpreter is slated for the upcoming Python 3.14 as part of ongoing efforts to improve Python’s performance.

Poetry takes a giant leap toward compatibilty with other project management tools with the release of version 2. If you’re interested in challenging yourself with some programming puzzles, check out the new season of Coding Quest.

Time to jump in! Enjoy this tour of what’s happening in the world of Python!

Poetry Version 2 Adds Compatibility

Poetry is a trusted and powerful project and dependency manager for Python. Initially created by Sébastien Eustace in 2018, it reached its Version 1 milestone in 2019. Since then, it has grown to be one of the most commonly used tools for managing Python projects.

On January 5, 2025, the Poetry team announced the release of Poetry 2.0.0. This major release comes with many updates. One of the most requested changes is compatibility with PEP 621, which describes how to specify project metadata in pyproject.toml.

Most of the common tools for project management, including setuptools, uv, Hatch, Flit, and PDM, use pyproject.toml and the project table in a consistent way, as defined in PEP 621. With Poetry on board as well, you can more simply migrate your project from one tool to another.

This improved compatibility with the rest of the Python eco-system comes with a price. There are a few breaking changes in Poetry 2 compared to earlier versions. If you’re already using Poetry, you should take care when updating to the latest version.

The changelog describes all changes, and you can read the documentation for advice on how to migrate your existing projects to the new style of configuration.

The Python Team Releases Bugfix Versions for 3.12 and 3.13

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February 17, 2025 at 07:30PM
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